
Reduces the code complexity and development time for common case scenarios by simplifying frequently used operations and creating ready-to-use modules.
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Speed up application
Before the development of main business logic starts, you need to create the architecture and the skeleton of the application.

Rengine framework allows you to bypass this step by providing a ready-to-use architecture and modules.
Rengine is a low-level, infrastructural framework that serves as the skeleton for creating complex and multi-functional projects. It is rather flexible, expandable, and may be modified according to the project needs.
Features and benefits
  • Reduce time to market
  • Reduce code complexity and development time
  • Reduce infrastructure costs
  • Standardized, flexible and extensible architecture
  • Based on popular and well-known technologies
  • Ready-to-use security and data management solutions
  • Reuse framework modules in multiple projects
  • Track and analyze the history of all user actions
  • Built-in multilingual support for data objects
  • Various database management systems support
  • Simplified deployment and testing